August 2021
- Boosting the Might to Fight Potato Blight
- Neuromorphic Circuits - The Future of Computing?
- DEXAT: A spiking neuron model for accurate and efficient AI systems
- Muscope: The world's smallest microscope
- “Rocket science is not really rocket science.” | IITB Rocket Team
- EGGOZ: 'The Amul of Egg Industry in near future?'

April 2021
- Pandemic, Paranoia and Possibility
- Krishi Vardhak: An agrobot that does it all
- Reinforcing Cyberspace: Network Security Hackathon
- Optimize the obstacle avoidance technology
- Science from space: Visualizing AstroSat's Data
- Decoded: Traffic Sign Recognition
- IITB's Jaguar Land Rover Team wins gold
- A machine's opinion

January 2021
- Making a Top Spin Forever
- Carbon Dioxide Cell : A Green Powerhouse
- Breaking a Virus 2: COVIRAP and where it goes from here
- Pyomancer: Novel Antimicrobial Drugs against MDR Infections
- BlueSky Analytics --Leading the fight against air pollution
- Flying High with the best Drone Technology: The inspiring tale of UrbanMatrix
- Dioxane: A Harmful Pollutant and the Search for its Sensor

November-December 2020
- E-TEX: the smart textile venture
- Tapestry: IIT Bombay's Solution to the Global Pandemic
- Reconnaissance : Identifying disruptions in power quality
- Computational Materials Science
- Transforming Agriculture - Right from the Roots
- An Enigmatic Black Hole Collision - GW190521
- Staying rooted: Where Agriculture meets Tech

October-November 2020
- The Ather Trinity: Part 3 - The Mastermind
- Innovation to Aid Reopening Amidst Plummeting GDP: AI-Based Social Distancing
- Predictions on drug-drug interaction: A life-saving deed
- Cars and Carbon Nanotubes: What does IIT Madras say?
- Paper to Pulp to Paper: The Hydrapulper
- OCT: Optical Coherence Tomography
- Vernacular.ai
- An Assistive Communication Device for the Differently Abled

September-October 2020
- Breaking a virus: the story of IIT Kharagpur's ground-breaking COVID test
- How to design a Supersonic Jet Engine: The tale of Jatayu
- Modern methods of Startup Financing
- NASA's Mars Helicopter: "Ingenious" enough to explore the Red Planet
- How is our data secured?
- SpaceX launches astronauts to ISS: Dawn of a new space age?

August-September 2020
- Tapestry: A solution to check India's rapidly rising COVID cases
- A Step Forward to AI: the IIT Delhi way!
- The SELCO Journey-Transforming 'Thelawalas' into Entrepreneurs
- Automated Aquaponics System: Smart Farming for the Changing Climate
- Contact Tracing and Fake News Verification Chatbot
- Shooting to the sky: IITM Team builds a Rocket
- SDSLabs

July-August 2020
- The Ather Trinity: Part 2 - What makes them, them?
- Log 9 Materials: Unleashing the benefits of Nanotech and Graphene
- From pepper to particle: Revolutionising Nanotechnology
- Life, livelihood, and learning: What higher education will look like in the wake of Covid-19
- Using the Stars for Guidance: IIT-B Satellite Team innovates

June 2020
- The Ather Trinity: Part 1 - The Indian Electric Vehicle
- From Planetary Rovers to Microsurgeries - Soft Robotics: Shaping the Future
- School of Medical Science and Technology, IIT Kharagpur to create a phytochemical-based bodysuit
- Demystifying the Dark Ages after the Harappan Civilization
- Deep-learning in the Online Dating Industry
- Tracing Gravitational Waves