IIT Kharagpur Detektor: Fighting Fake News As the struggle against fake-news and misinformation goes on, 'Detektor' joins the fray. This chat-bot can provide instantaneous feedback on the accuracy of dubious claims, by a simple Whatsapp text.
Inter IIT Tech Meet A Machine's Opinion A sneak peek into the world of 'learning' machines, and the math and algorithms judging human emotions, by the analysis of Gold winning algorithm from IIT Tech Meet 2021!
IIT Roorkee Vernacular.ai Vernacular.ai is a Series A funded startup, an AI-First SaaS business that is driven with a mission to become the leading voice automation/AI platform in the world. It is building NLP Technology in Indian Languages to enable businesses to interact and engage with their multi-lingual customers.
IIT Kanpur Contact Tracing and Fake News Verification Chatbot IIT Kanpur's solution in fighting the false news during a global pandemic when fake news can be disastrous.