Academia Secured Quantum Communications Using Photons It turns out that we pit Quantum against Quantum in order to keep ourselves secured as we are about to encounter another revolution in the form of Quantum Computers.
biomedical RBC the delivery man: a boon to chemotherapy? As very aptly said by Prof. Neetu, what we lack is simply the ability and the eagerness to look at it with the curiosity of a child. Read on to find out how this curiosity led to the development of a completely revolutionary innovation in chemotherapy drug delivery.
IIT Delhi Math Realizing the Vision of Self-Reliant Economy The recent pandemic has brought retardation in global economic growth. In such testing times, the idea of a self-reliant economy has gained instant acclaim in India. Join us as we explore the math model to realize this abstract vision by IIT Delhi researchers
Covid-19 Life, livelihood, and learning: What higher education will look like in the wake of Covid-19 In the midst of the current Pandemic students, researchers and professors must continue to operate as well as possible. We present a brief look into some of the problems they are facing and how Universities are trying to address them.